Laura Boswell ARE – Printmaker

Tips and guides for Linocut printing


Lino Cut Techniques: Fine Detail - In this video Laura Boswell shows how she works on fine detail in a lino cut print, using brushwork marks to create the impression of spontaneity.

Lino Printing Techniques: Using Extender for transparent Linocut Layers - Printing translucent layers of ink in a reduction linocut using extender. If you’d like to say thanks for these films and help us to fund more, please chip in with a donation at my fundraising page at GoFundMe

Lino Printing: Multi-block linocut printing using a Key Block method. - Laura uses her registration device to show how to produce accurate 'Multi-block' Lino-cut prints using a key block. If you’d like to say thanks for these films and help us to fund more, please chip in with a donation at my fundraising page at GoFundMe

Printing a Colour Reduction Linocut - How to print a colour linocut using the reduction technique with Laura Boswell's 'Registration Device' - our very early film making days (sorry about the music!)

Lino Printing: Multiple inking and extender for a painterly Print - The differing copies of Vale Raking Light presented as an animation.

Laura's Christmas Message 2016 -
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Printing 'Falls Near Galloway': A Multi Block Linocut Using Economy Inks and Tools - Laura Boswell prints her linocut 'Falls Near Galloway'. This is a multiblock linocut which Laura prints using her methods, her registration device and economy tools, materials and paper.
If you’d like to say thanks for these films and help us to fund more, please chip in with a donation at my fundraising page at GoFundMe

Laura Boswell prints a reduction linocut from drawing to final edition - Laura Boswell Printmaker designing, cutting and printing one of her reduction linocut prints. This one is entitled 'Divided Cliffs, St Abbs Head', a view of the cliffs to the east of Edinburgh. The film documents the various techniques which Laura has developed into her unmistakable style. This video is not intended as a guide to reduction linocut, it is an expression of the process, of time passing, of the repetition and of the skills that go into a work like this.

A brief film of Laura Boswell making 'Divided Cliffs, St Abbs Head' - Laura Boswell specialises in Reduction Linocut, this short film follows some of the steps in producing one of her editions. A longer version of the film is available at:

Cutting Techniques: Multiblock Linocut Print - This is video number one of this pine tree print series. I am cutting traditional artist's lino using a mix of tools - a Pfeil no.12, a Powergrip and some of my own inherited tools from the 1930s. A tool similar to the wide Japanaese flat tool I use is avaialable in the UK at the time of writing this from Handprinted ( If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe

Linocut Printing: Cutting a Block for Blind Embossing - Here I am cutting a block to make a blind emboss and will show the results in a future video. The glass baren I am using comes from Thomas Petit You can buy my registration devices for press and tabletop use (standard size or order a bespoke device) at my website shop at
If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe

Linocut Printing: Adding a woodblock with raised grain - Adding woodgrain to a print is a lovely effect and in this video I explain how to raise the grain on a sheet of shina plywood despite the wood being a thin surface veneer. The shina I am using is sold as 'Asian Ply' by Great Art, but similar wood is available from Handprinted in the UK, or you could try alternative plywoods at a timer merchant, (out of stock at the time of writing this, but it comes in and out of stock regularly)

Mystery knife? A Precision tool for woodblock & linocut! - Ever been confused about that sloping knife that's included in a tool set you've bought to cut lino? I'll show you how to use it and what a fantastic precision tool it is for cutting lino as well as woodblock. For linocutters new to cutting wood, I'll show how the two materials differ and some things to watch out for when cutting wood (especially thin ply) for the first time. The wood I am cutting is shina ply - this type is sold as 'Asian Ply' by Great Art and the wider flat tool I mention comes from Handprinted who also sell left handed hangi-tos If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe :)

Proof Printing Tips with my Combined Linocut and Woodblock Print - Plans and ideas change - and proofing is a good way of checking you are happy with a print as well as picking up on any little niggles that need attention. In this video I am using Lukas water based inks for the grey layers and Graphic Chemical water based ink for the final black layer. I am printing on Awagami Factory's Masa paper available from Handprinted ( Check out my earlier video in this series for advice on raising the grain on thin plywood (

If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe

Mixing Colour for Linocut Printing in Real Time - Slow and Nerdy! - Mixing the right colour inks takes time and that’s why this is a long one! Lots of hints and tips about colour mixing. I mention Wax Drier made by Cranfield Colour ( and inks by Lawrence Art Supplies – olive green and Payne’s grey – ( You’ll see me using my small Albion Press and I’m packing it with sheets of green card to get the printing pressure right. I’m printing onto Fabriano Rosaspina paper. These prints will be/are/were sold on my website at
If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe

Linocut Printing with NO Ink! Blind Embossing by Hand and by Press - Blind embossing experiments; testing various papers and methods for using a linocut block for embossing paper rather than printing on it. The papers I mention from Awagami Paper ( are Bunkoshi Select and Bamboo Select. I also use the widely available Fabriano Rosaspina. Our registration jigs for holding your blocks and paper on a press or by hand are for sale at ( and the flat chisel came from Handprinted ( Wooden spoon is a vintage one belonging to my late mum :)
f you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe

Linocut: printing fine details - do your cutting justice with the right technique! - This is my print 'Black Stone Beach' and you can see full details about this print here I am using a green durathene roller from Lawrence
If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe

Let it Snow! Switching up a linocut print for a convincing snow scene - Adding snow isn't just a matter of cutting spots in the background - in this film I use a combination of tracing and planning to edit my two pine print and add a new background. To BUY one of these prints shop here while stocks last! The print I reference is called 'Bear on a Snow Covered Pine Tree' by Keisai Eisen c.1840 and I sourced it from the British Museum's site here
If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe

Me, Mozart and some speedy lino printing - Printing my Two Pine Red Sky linocut - I'm working with a woodgrain block that I have to hand print using a spoon folowed by two more lino blocks on the press. That's an oil based ink and I'm using rainbow rolls throughout.

All Snowflakes need love! Lino Cutting techniques for a realistic snowscene - Cutting methods for transforming my lino blocks. The tools I am using here are a mix of Pfeil, Traditional mushroom handled antique tools (that I inherited) and Japanese tools. To BUY one of these prints shop here while stocks last! You can buy their equivalent at Handprinted in the Uk and Mcclains Printmaking Supplies in the US The wax pencils (chinagraph) I am using are Stabilo 8052 graphic pencils
If you are enjoying & learning from my films and would like to chip in and help us keep these videos free at source, we have a fundraising page at GoFundMe


Linocut and Reduction Printmaking by Laura Boswell

ISBN: 9780719840319
A comprehensive guite to reduction linocut printing with guides on how to chose tools and paper, how to develop ideas and eight case studies.
Available from Crowood Press and all the usual sources.

Colour Linocut Printing without a Press by Laura Boswell

Only available from my shop

Edward Bawden by Caroline Bacon and James McGregor

ISBN 978-0-951-2657-5-8
Cecil Higgins Art Galery

Drawing the Line: the linocuts of Ian Phillips by Ian Phillips

Only available from